Monday, September 3, 2018

Website Update | Rainyville Administration

Hello everyone, summer is coming to a close. Our current plans are being delayed for multiple reasons, but there are other good news as well. We have deployed our new website at which is our own custom domain. There we will be posting different posts and such, and as such I recommend you bookmark our new domain. If you have any problems with our current website, feel free to let us know either here in the comments or on our Discord server. More details will be disclosed for the upcoming reincarnation of A Nation Divided Against Itself, but for now we are focusing on the new website and launcher patches.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Update | Rainyville Administration

This blog, while inconsistent and rare, was quite the great platform for us to lay out our ideas. We are now ready to begin transitioning to where our new website is under development. Granted, our new website is not a blog, and will not replace this site. We will continue to post updates here whenever we remember to. Our new website is set to be a Technic competitor - a database for Minecraft modpacks. More information will be released later.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February Update | Rainyville Server

Our previous idea for a "PUBG-style" survival has been dropped for being too complicated, so we are now trying a more traditional modded survival. Obviously it's hard to tell if this will attract more people or not, but it's our best shot at the moment. I will also try to do a monthly update on this blog, so as to make it more useful. As it stands, here are our plans for the new modded survival ("survival 2.0"):

ANDAI Launcher (survival modpack):
Survival zip file:
Server IP:

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rainyville 2018

2018, and it's the fourth year for the Rainyville Administration. We have done an internal investigation and have come to the conclusion that most of our gamemode ideas require more people than we can usually get, and while in the past we were luck enough (sort of) to get that amount of people, it's not so anymore. Our current plan is to make a survival server that would be able to attract a wider audience to our server platform. Currently, this plan has no official name, but it would go as a PUBG-style survival, featuring a variety of mods. From there, if we get enough people, we can continue our plans for ANDAI 4 and Deathpoint (the latter has progressed a little bit, but not enough people at the moment for it). We will also do our best to update this website more often and provide more up-to-date information.
Looking forward to a good year,
Rainyville Administration staff.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

ANDAI 4 & Deathpoint | 4 Months Later

Well after four months, we have come to an early conclusion. First news, ANDAI Client v1.0.0.3 was released earlier in October, bringing a new UI for Windows 8/10 and better performance and stability. Additionally, we are moving towards restarting ANDAI 4 and most importantly, Deathpoint. ANDAI is looking to be a long term project, slowly but smoothly moving forwards until the summer, while Deathpoint is mostly developed to be a fun mini-game that is already built (in fact, there are already two maps ready). More news in the future.


Monday, July 24, 2017

ANDAI & The Future

Currently all of our plans for ANDAI have been destroyed, as not enough people are active enough even during summer break. This means that for the time being, the server will be closed. We do have some plans for the resurrection of the server, however all of the plans require a more active community, and even our good friends over at CTB are struggling (doing much better community wise though, and have classified plans already in motion). The Rainyville Administration is interested in preserving 3+ years of history though, so we will do our best to come up with a good solution. Our next options go as follow.

1. Call to Battle Server: While yes, this would most likely mean that we would have to recycle most of our progress, this would be a safe and potentially profitable option. If we get an endorsement from the mod developer, then we would also be off to a fast start.

2. Resurrect ANDAI: The more innovative option, but with potential problems. ANDAI has always required more mods than usual, and therefore also required a special launcher. The special launcher has had problems with stability in the past, and has not been completely fixed. However, if popular enough and more people become passionate about it, we could expand our development team and solve our problems.

3. Deathpoint Server: The option that lands in the middle. This platform could work as a stopgap, or be it's own thing. A Deathpoint server can be as light or heavy as needed. The basics usually rely on Call to Battle and MC Helicopters, but MC Helicopters can be taken out altogether to just have Call to Battle and a nice prison map. This option could require a custom launcher, but then again it could work with just Call to Battle and require no third party programs.

On a final note, to remedy all the bugs and problems with the current ANDAI Client, we have decided to discontinue all development related to the SKANDAI and ANDAI Client software, and will begin development from scratch. All the knowledge from the ANDAI development will be used to create a better and faster launcher.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Nation Divided Against Itself Season 4 & SKANDAI Deprecation

Hello everyone, the school year is finally over! Apart from that, and life in general, time to get back into the server. The main server has been resurrected from its grave and we've updated all the mods and the ANDAI Client. Our current schedule is to refurbish and clean up the current server map, and probably wait for Call to Battle 2 to arrive. After CTB2 and the map cleanup, we'll be ready for a grand opening. The grand opening will probably be around late July - August timeline, depending on the development rate on the server. Season 4 will probably begin after the official grand opening, however a trailer will have to be created beforehand.

The time is here. The old SKCraft powered launcher can finally rest in piece. Code-named "SKANDAI" as a reference to the SKCraft base and the ANDAI modpack, the SKANDAI launcher has been a cause for headaches since we've started using it. Multiple issues from Java not running to Forge not installing. All of these issues caused headaches for our administration. We have created the successor to SKANDAI, now known as the ANDAI Client, which is more efficient and developed personally by our administration. This means that the client will receive daily updates and bug fixes (which the SKANDAI launcher lacked) and will be developed and improved for as long as necessary. Recently, ANDAI Client version patch has made the launcher stable enough for daily use, meaning we can finally deprecate SKANDAI, and bring forward our own modpack system. This is of great importance for the future of the ANDAI Client, so that we can add more features and optimize the modpack system for our launcher. While the SKANDAI Launcher still exists, it drags down development of the new modpack system because we have to support the old launcher. So it all comes down to the time. The SKANDAI Launcher is now officially deprecated and no support will be given. By the end of July, all downloads of the SKANDAI Launcher will be removed. By the end of 2017, the SKANDAI Launcher will be officially replaced by the ANDAI Client and its corresponding modpack system, meaning that the SKANDAI Launcher will be completely useless. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Discord Bots & ANDAI | Server Update

It's been a while since my last post, so I figured I would post some more updates on the general server. First off, ANDAI will be making a comeback next month, so we're preparing for that. In addition, we have deployed a new Discord bot to monitor our chats. This bot can query the server, and also censor any words needed, plus more features under development. Anyways, once the new Launcher is completed we'll deprecate the old one and start moving forwards toward the new season of A Nation Divided Against Itself, Season 4.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

IP Change | Server Update

It has come to our attention that the server's IP address has reset during the past few days. We apologize for the inconvenience, and are updating our listed IP addresses everywhere we can. As well as that, we have also updated our Minecraft Forums launcher thread, which can be viewed here.
Our new IP: